SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday Evenings, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. September 11 | September 18 | September 25 Me-N-Eds Pizzeria 10077 N Maple Ave, Fresno (Maple/Behymer) All young adults are invited to join us for pizza and connection with others! Meet us at Me-N-Ed's and look for the table sign that says 'Northpark'. Contact Pastor Candi for more information: […]
Tuesdays September 13 - October 25 , 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Northpark, Room 101 We will be doing the study 'Amos' by Jennifer Rothschild which includes video and group discussion. Amos is often called a prophet of doom! Through his pronouncements of judgment, we can see what happens when we don’t live the God […]
September 14 - November 9, 2022 Wednesdays @ 10:00 am Northpark Room 101 Ladies, you are invited to join us for Bible study on 1,2 & 3 John and prayer time. Bring your Bible and invite a friend! For more information, contact the church office, 559-322-7200 or
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
Wednesday Nights for the Whole Family Wednesday, August 31 - November 16* Free Dinner 6:00 | Classes 6:30pm *You are welcome to join in at any time during the 12 week session Bring the whole family for dinner, connection with others, and great teaching! ADULTS Connect with others and dig deeper into Sunday’s talks during […]
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. September 15 - October 27 Northpark Community Church, Room 203 All ages and skill levels are welcome! This class is facilitated by certified yoga instructor, Cheryl Tristan and is a great way to practice self-care through movement, breathing and balance. Bring a yoga mat, water and any yoga props […]
SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday, October 2 & 9 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Murakoshi's Home All young adults (age 18-30) are invited to join us as we begin a short Bible study and have dinner together!
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a non-denominational Christian organization that reaches out to all mothers who have children who are not yet in school. MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy to kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. At Northpark, we have a MOPS group in which mothers […]
Tuesdays September 13 - October 25 , 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Northpark, Room 101 We will be doing the study 'Amos' by Jennifer Rothschild which includes video and group discussion. Amos is often called a prophet of doom! Through his pronouncements of judgment, we can see what happens when we don’t live the God […]
September 14 - November 9, 2022 Wednesdays @ 10:00 am Northpark Room 101 Ladies, you are invited to join us for Bible study on 1,2 & 3 John and prayer time. Bring your Bible and invite a friend! For more information, contact the church office, 559-322-7200 or
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
Wednesday Nights for the Whole Family Wednesday, August 31 - November 16* Free Dinner 6:00 | Classes 6:30pm *You are welcome to join in at any time during the 12 week session Bring the whole family for dinner, connection with others, and great teaching! ADULTS Connect with others and dig deeper into Sunday’s talks during […]
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. September 15 - October 27 Northpark Community Church, Room 203 All ages and skill levels are welcome! This class is facilitated by certified yoga instructor, Cheryl Tristan and is a great way to practice self-care through movement, breathing and balance. Bring a yoga mat, water and any yoga props […]
SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday, October 2 & 9 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Murakoshi's Home All young adults (age 18-30) are invited to join us as we begin a short Bible study and have dinner together!
Tuesdays September 13 - October 25 , 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Northpark, Room 101 We will be doing the study 'Amos' by Jennifer Rothschild which includes video and group discussion. Amos is often called a prophet of doom! Through his pronouncements of judgment, we can see what happens when we don’t live the God […]
**NOT meeting on October 12** We will resume next week! Wednesdays @ 10:00 am Northpark Room 101 Ladies, you are invited to join us for Bible study on 1,2 & 3 John and prayer time. Bring your Bible and invite a friend! For more information, contact the church office, 559-322-7200 or
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
Wednesday Nights for the Whole Family Wednesday, August 31 - November 16* Free Dinner 6:00 | Classes 6:30pm *You are welcome to join in at any time during the 12 week session Bring the whole family for dinner, connection with others, and great teaching! ADULTS Connect with others and dig deeper into Sunday’s talks during […]
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. September 15 - October 27 Northpark Community Church, Room 203 All ages and skill levels are welcome! This class is facilitated by certified yoga instructor, Cheryl Tristan and is a great way to practice self-care through movement, breathing and balance. Bring a yoga mat, water and any yoga props […]
Northpark Women's Spiritual Retreat "Come to the Table" Friday - Sunday October 14 - 16, 2022 Calvin Crest Conference Center Oakhurst, CA Space is limited - registration ends Sunday, September 25 Come to the table in the courtyard on Sundays to register or contact Janine Minassian: or 559-862-9393 (text or call) We invite you […]
SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday, October 16 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. All young adults (age 18-30) are invited to join us for a fun evening of mini golf! Meet at Blackbeard's 4055 N Chestnut Diagonal, Fresno, CA 93726
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a non-denominational Christian organization that reaches out to all mothers who have children who are not yet in school. MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy to kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. At Northpark, we have a MOPS group in which mothers […]
Tuesdays September 13 - October 25 , 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Northpark, Room 101 We will be doing the study 'Amos' by Jennifer Rothschild which includes video and group discussion. Amos is often called a prophet of doom! Through his pronouncements of judgment, we can see what happens when we don’t live the God […]
September 14 - November 9, 2022 Wednesdays @ 10:00 am Northpark Room 101 Ladies, you are invited to join us for Bible study on 1,2 & 3 John and prayer time. Bring your Bible and invite a friend! For more information, contact the church office, 559-322-7200 or
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday Nights at Northpark August 31 – November 16, 2022* 6:00 – 6:30 Free Dinner 6:30 – 8:30 Youth Gathering *on September 28 we will meet at Clovis Hills for a youth United Worship and Prayer night Join us for fun activities plus, a study on the Book of John. Classes […]
Men's Retreat at Hume Lake: Escape With Purpose October 20-23, 2022 (Thursday Evening through Sunday Noon) at Hume Lake Christian Camp Cost: $340 per person (includes meals and lodging) Lodging is a dorm room style which provides linens and a full bath in the room. Outdoor Activities | Speakers | Worship We hope YOU will […]
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. September 15 - October 27 Northpark Community Church, Room 203 All ages and skill levels are welcome! This class is facilitated by certified yoga instructor, Cheryl Tristan and is a great way to practice self-care through movement, breathing and balance. Bring a yoga mat, water and any yoga props […]
COLLECTION DATES: OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 13, 2022 You don’t want to miss this opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child across the world this Christmas… Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection Operation Christmas Child offers an opportunity to fill a shoebox full of gifts for a child of a specific age […]
SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday, October 2 & 9 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Murakoshi's Home All young adults (age 18-30) are invited to join us as we begin a short Bible study and have dinner together!
Tuesdays September 13 - October 25 , 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Northpark, Room 101 We will be doing the study 'Amos' by Jennifer Rothschild which includes video and group discussion. Amos is often called a prophet of doom! Through his pronouncements of judgment, we can see what happens when we don’t live the God […]
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
Wednesday Nights for the Whole Family Wednesday, August 31 - November 16* Free Dinner 6:00 | Classes 6:30pm *You are welcome to join in at any time during the 12 week session Bring the whole family for dinner, connection with others, and great teaching! ADULTS Connect with others and dig deeper into Sunday’s talks during […]
JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday Nights at Northpark August 31 – November 16, 2022* 6:00 – 6:30 Free Dinner 6:30 – 8:30 Youth Gathering *on September 28 we will meet at Clovis Hills for a youth United Worship and Prayer night Join us for fun activities plus, a study on the Book of John. Classes […]
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. September 15 - October 27 Northpark Community Church, Room 203 All ages and skill levels are welcome! This class is facilitated by certified yoga instructor, Cheryl Tristan and is a great way to practice self-care through movement, breathing and balance. Bring a yoga mat, water and any yoga props […]
SUNDAY CLASS: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. at Northpark FOR ADULTS The Book of Ephesians Room 202 This class takes place at the same time as the Sunday morning 8:30 worship service, but in a different room. Pastor Bob Fuller will lead study and discussion time on the book of Ephesians. The […]
Sunday, October 30 11:30 - 2:30 Northpark Room 203 Our 5th and 6th graders in STUDIO 56 at Northpark, are having GAME DAY! Your child is invited to join in the FUN after church on Sunday in Room 203 for LUNCH, GAMES and ACTIVITIES! Our Studio 56 leaders and Pastor Candi will be joining in […]
Sunday, October 2 & 9 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Murakoshi's Home All young adults (age 18-30) are invited to join us as we begin a short Bible study and have dinner together!
JOIN PASTOR BOB FULLER FOR A VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP! CONNECT with others | LEARN something new | GROW in your faith This is a great way to connect with others, while also growing spiritually as we dig into Sunday’s talk a little more. Our format will include introductions, some discussion regarding Sunday’s talk, additional resources, and prayer. You are welcome […]
JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday Nights at Northpark August 31 – November 16, 2022* 6:00 – 6:30 Free Dinner 6:30 – 8:30 Youth Gathering *on September 28 we will meet at Clovis Hills for a youth United Worship and Prayer night Join us for fun activities plus, a study on the Book of John. Classes […]