Women’s Retreat Information Packet
Friday, October 4 – Sunday, October 6, 2024
at Calvin Crest in Oakhurst, CA
Teaching by Pastor Candi Maur
Worship led by Jan Weldon
Ladies, you are invited to an amazing weekend in a beautiful place!
Join us in the serenity and beauty of the Sierra National Forest and experience incredible worship, rich teaching, and fellowship. You won’t want to miss the chance to form new relationships while talking with other women about Jesus. You’ll enjoy good food, amazing scenery, sweet moments of reflection, and lots of fun and laughter.
Along with our teaching time, there will also be opportunities to work on some creative craft projects, play games, and unwind in a friendly, inviting environment.
$275 (triple occupancy room)
$290 (double occupancy room)
There is limited space – a $75 non refundable deposit is required to hold your spot
In person registration: Sundays at the Women’s Ministry Cart
Online registration: REGISTER NOW
Women come to retreats for lots of reasons. Some come for a brief respite from motherhood, some women come to spend time with friends, and others love a girls’ getaway. These are all fantastic reasons to go on a retreat, but we would like to encourage you to consider coming on this retreat for a different reason: to meet Jesus in a new way – to understand that He doesn’t just have love for you, but He is love.
Our desire is that this October, we will be on a spiritual retreat, full of worship, great teaching, and self reflection. We hope that is your desire too! Of course we’ll have a ton of fun and laugh until we cry, but our prayer for you is that you will be renewed and blessed beyond measure.