‘Welcome Back’ Volunteer Team

Be Part of the ‘Welcome Back’ Volunteer Team!

These are the folks who will make certain that all protocols are followed when we gather again.

We’d love to have you as part of this team – if you’d like to be part of it, let us know!

Sign up below or give us a call at 559-322-7200.

  • Scroll down to see detailed descriptions. Choose as many as applicable.

Description of Volunteer Areas for Services on Campus

**Masks are to be worn at all times by all volunteers and staff.
The only exception being speakers or musicians while they are on the stage.

PARKING – 1 person

Stand at the driveway entrance greeting and welcoming people back on campus.

GREETER BY ENTRANCE (in courtyard) – 2 people

Welcome people as they arrive.
Give masks to people who need one (use gloves when handling masks).
Give directions to people as they arrive (everyone will need to be screened and temperatures will be taken before they can enter the building)
Help encourage and keep social distancing.

SCREENING STATION – 3 or 4 people
Screening stations will be stocked with hand sanitizer, forms, a supply of clean pens and thermometers.
Welcome people and have them complete a screening form (people will pick up their own form and pen and ask that the pen be placed in a separate box once used.)
Review the form for completeness.
Take each person’s temperature. (Touchless thermometers will be provided).

LOBBY – 2 people
All doors are to be kept open.

Welcome people as they arrive.
Give instruction that an usher will take them to their seats and to remain seated.

USHERS – 4 people
Guide all guests to seats, and excuse them row by row at the end of service.

Stay in the hallway between the worship center restrooms to ensure that only two people are in in the restroom at a time.

For each classroom that is used as an overflow room, we will need two people:
One person will serve as greeter who is at the door to welcome people, and limit the room to the appropriate number, and help maintain social distancing between households.
One person will help oversee the ‘tech’ – making sure the live feed is working smoothly and reporting or troubleshooting any issues.
After the first service, these two hosts will make sure any chairs that were used are folded and set aside and new chairs are set out.

All volunteers will help get the room(s) ready for the next service. You will be given detailed instruction.

For more information about our regathering at Northpark plan, CLICK HERE

Online Giving Click Here